Tuesday, January 12, 2016

How to learn effectively

1. Study with anybody
Studying with classmates or family member can be one of the important points that facilitate you absorb learning materials effectively. The advantage of this method is a state where you can discuss a certain matter. You can exchange ideas, questioning, or even teach each other to solve certain problems.

One thing you must be aware, study group will be totally useless if the people in it do not focus with the subject matter in it . Get used also to not rely on one particular person in answering the questions while studying the group.

2. Make a Flashcard "Flashcard " is a very popular media to help you remember specific points in a lesson. In essence , you can cut the size of paper playing cards , according to the amount you need . On the one hand , you can write a question , and on the other hand you write the answers to these questions. Bring flashcard wherever you move , or tempelkanlah in your room , in a place easily visible . By using the flashcard , the learning process will be more effective and attractive.
3.Clean the desks of items that are not needed Lest you learn a table filled with objects that can distract. Get rid of the phone, laptop , and other items that do not relate to your learning activities. Make sure also stationery and paper you need is within your reach. Remember, one of the causes of the failure of the learning activities are too many other things that can distract your activities . If things distraction was kept out of reach, then you will be easier to focus and concentrate in absorbing material.

4. For the period of study in several sessions . 
Don't learn too long. These tips are very important , but often overlooked because of the condition of the time was too tight. In an ideal learning pattern, you can't book long without any activity interspersed. Try to rest and give pause between 15 to 30 minutes each time you study for 45 minutes. It is proven to be more effective than learning 2 hours in a row without a break at all. One more important point to remember : Do not let the pause time make you complacent. When resting , do not do anything that takes more than 15 minutes to complete. This will allow you to forget the ongoing learning activities.

5. Find a comfortable place
Learn in a clean, comfortable, and free from noises. This will help you focus on the subject of the lesson , and automated material that you will be more effective absorption. Don't force yourself to learn if the conditions of learning messy room and there are a lot of objects scattered on your study table. If still possible, try to clean it. But if you do not have much time, move to a more conducive learning. Also make sure your place of learning have adequate light illumination.
Good Luck !

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